Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Kate King Vintage BITCHES!

So I quit Westgate last week. That job was so great for me in past years; bought a house; traveled the world; got to be generous and buy dumb stuff. But after working with Renee and doing something that grew me creatively and spiritually, I couldn't handle going back to an office.

So eff that office.

A few different things started coming together, and the more time I spent with God, the more I felt this gentle leading towards focusing on the things that I love: writing and creating things and spending time with people. This was SUCH a big deal. Money has ruled my life for the past few years, and I finally accepted the gift of poverty last week.

My house will mostly likely not be mine in a few months. I will be throwing one AMAZING good bye party. I love that house. But I can be a slave to it no longer

So. Quit that job. Worked on these dresses.

Thank you, Abba.


  1. My internet is way to slow to download these photos. But I'm sure you look great.

    Happy day for you to work on what you want and what you love - seriously, praise God.

    I miss you, Kate. I really do. I wish you'd come visit, but poverty vs. Aussie and poverty usually wins.

    Or so my other friends tell me.


  2. I seriously look forward to the day I can do just that. It'll be soon :)
